Game Rules

Each player chooses 4 pegs of the same colour and places them in the 4 spaces grouped outside the game track.
Each player chooses a die.

Begin the game
All players roll their die together to determine who goes first.
The player who rolls the highest goes first.

Start Diamond
A peg enters from its Start with a roll of 1 or 6.  One peg is placed on the Start Diamond to the right of its base.  On the next role, the peg in the Start Diamond is moved the number of spaces indicated on the die, clockwise around the board. 

Role Again
When a player rolls a 6, they may roll again after they have moved a peg.
If they cannot take a peg out of Start or move a peg 6 spaces, they may roll again.
All spaces must be landed on by exact count. Counts cannot be split.

A player cannot jump over or land on their own pegs.  If the player cannot move any of their own pegs, their turn is over.
A player may move over an opponent’s peg, counting that space as they move over it.

Backup 4
When a player rolls a 4, they must move a peg back 4 spaces - counterclockwise around the board.  The player cannot back into the Centre or into their Finish spaces.

If a player lands on another player’s peg, that peg is Pegged-out and sent back to its start. 
Pegs cannot be pegged-out in the Finish spaces.

A player may choose to land in the centre by exact count.
A player needs roll a 1 or a 6 on their next turn to exit the centre space. 
That peg can exit to any inner point space they wish. 

Skip Points
When a player lands on an inner point - Skip Point, on their next turn they can move around the Skip Points clockwise the number indicated by their roll.  They may exit onto any path they wish.  If a player chooses to move another peg the Skip Point advantage is lost.

The 4 spaces inside the track, to the right of their Start.
When a peg reaches the space closest to home, they move into Finish.
Players may only place pegs into their Finish spaces by exact count.  Players may not jump over their own pegs in Finish spaces.

The first player with all their pegs in their Finish is the Winner.


1 Start
2 Start Diamond
3 Skip Points
4 Centre
5 Turn in their Finish
6 Finish